Welcome Back!

I love fashion, it’s kind of my thing. I love how it makes me feel and the ability that it has to ignite a passion in not just myself but people around me. There are so many different moving parts of the fashion industry that someone that isn’t in it won’t understand. The complexity of the machine that it is, it’s fascinating. The fashion industry can suck you in so fast, with the bright colors, the sparkle, the charm and glam. With all that said, the industry can also bring the strongest person to their knees without them even realizing, and that is exactly what it did to me.

A few months ago I lost my passion, and in losing that passion I feel like I lost a part of me. The love that I would feel when I walked into my sewing room was gone. The joy I would feel at work knowing the day was almost done and I could go loose myself in my fabric and design was a thing of the past. I didn’t realize for a long time how much it had affected me and my everyday life. I felt sad about the changes I was seeing in the industry and world, having the harsh reality that things were not going to be great for a while was taking its toll on me.

However, some recent events in my life have opened my eyes and made me see that just because things are changing doesn’t mean that it is all bad. I realized that I wanted to change and do things that make me happy, even when people and situations around me are telling me no, that it wasn’t who I was. As a person, you are constantly growing and changing. Letting people tell you how you should act or be will only hinder the potential you have. So I have decided to do some changes and do things that make me happy. I know people will critique me and say things that I might not like but as long as I stay true to myself and do what makes me happy, I don’t see how I can go wrong.

So with all that being said let me tell you about some of the changes I am looking into. I want my blog to be something that can help people either by teaching them something new or helping them learn more about a subject they already knew about. (So I am going to put it out there, I did not go to school for writing and grammar so there will be mistakes. I have an extremely wonderful support system but sometimes things will be posted with errors.) So my goals going forward are to focus on the parts of the fashion industry that I love most. Showing a little glimpse into what makes me tick. I’m a big sewer, I have my own sewing business on top of this blog, so I’ll show you projects I am working on and how I have constructed them. I help a lot of people by fixing their clothes or tailoring something for them, I’ll show you my techniques and hopefully help you learn how to fix your own items. I’m also going to tell you where I get my fashion news from and tell you my opinion on it. The wonderful thing about fashion, I feel, is hearing someone else’s opinion when it differs from yours.

I am so excited to see what the future holds and to learn my voice again in the crazy industry. Hopefully you come along for the ride and learn to love it as much as me!

“Fashion is not something that exists in dresses only. Fashion is in the sky, in the street. Fashion has to do with ideas, the way we live, what is happening.” – Coco Chanel