Holiday Parties: A quick guide to making that holiday outfit special

I love going out to a holiday party and spending time with friends and family. However, there is always that pressure to look good. Getting ready for a party can be stressful as you ask yourself – Has the family already seen me in this? Will grandma tell me I look pregnant in this shirt? Will my ex be at my friend’s party with a new partner? Don’t worry, we all have these thoughts. Looking good and feeling confident in that holiday party outfit is one more thing that can add to the anxiety this time of year. And who needs more anxiety when there are drinks, cookies, family and friends to enjoy? I have put together a quick help guide to get you through those moments of holiday stress and turn them to holiday cheer.

Color is good!

It’s the end of the year, try something new — expand on your outfit choice and maybe try something that’s a little bit different. For instance, the below cable knit sweater and plaid shirt are the perfect color combination for the holiday season but by adding a pair of talk worthy shoes you have upped your game. These sneakers with the lip detail are the perfect addition to this outfit.

Chic but comfy

You don’t have to sacrifice comfort to look chic. Personally, I love a good sweater dress. There are many different kinds and some are more casual than others. I personally Iike the below dress because of its versatility. It is styled for a more casual event but change out the high knee boots to a bootie in a similar color and then add either a sparkle headband or an elegant scarf and you are ready for a fancier event.

Ready to Party

Everyone needs that go to outfit and this should be one of them. I love to wear black with a bright color, it makes the outfit stand out for all the right reasons. This look is great for going out with the girls or going out with the family. By adding a fun clutch and bulky jewelry you can complete the look without going over the top.

I hope these holiday ideas help relieve some of your outfit anxiety and gives you the confidence to face those holiday parties with family and friend this holiday season. Have a wonderful Holiday Season!